Friday, May 13, 2016

This Day In Saginaw History - Friday, May 13th, 1881

The paper was only 4 pages that day.  There were tidbits from world and national news.

From Vermont came the story of Moses Robinson.  "Moses Robinson had for many years paid taxes on his property at East Northfield, VT., at a valuation of $10,000.  When, recently, it was put up to $50,000. he became insane and committed suicide."

From Philadelphia.  "During the past week 146 cases of small-pox have been reported in Philadelphia, of which thirty-five were fatal.  Since November last there have been very nearly five thousand cases of small-pox, of which over one thousand, or one in five, died."

Even though the Civil War was over, there was still work to be done on the reconciliation between the North and the South.  This story says they were finally making progress:
"The newspapers of the South are full of the signs of promise.  The flaming editorials denouncing the carpet-baggers in particular and the mud-sills of the North in general, have given place to a quieter discussion of the means of improving their own section of country.  The manufactories and railroads of the North which they have assumed to regard with contempt are now receiving a cordial greeting, and the Northern capital and enterprise which they drove from their midst, now come by invitation and are welcome in proportion as they tend to the development of the country and lift its people out of narrow grooves of indigence.  They have found that the smoke of the engine is poison to sectional bigotry, and that the strong arms of machinery bind the people together by an interest too powerful for the jaws of demagogues to destroy."

From the local news of life in the Saginaw Valley:

"Little Freddy, son of Joseph Wolf, residence on Fifth street, between Johnson and Fitzhugh, left home this morning at half-past eleven o'clock, and at the hour of going to press is still missing. Freddy is three years old, wore a dark calico dress and light straw hat, and has his hair clipped short. The anxious parents will consider it a great favor, if any one will furnish information that will lead to Freddy's return."

"There was a circus to-day, and when soda water, lemonade and circuses are plenty, then it is summer."

"Farmers complain loudly that the watering trough on the corner of Lapeer and Sixth streets is not filled with water.  Somebody see to it."

"Mr. Ostrander is about ready to proceed to active river police business, and desires lumbermen to send in a list of their marks as promptly as may be."

"The water has gone down below the level of cellar and basement floors and a grand house-cleaning with carbolic acid, chloride of lime and ferric sulfate is going on."

"J.C. Watts & Co's opening was continued to-day and was largely attended.  Goodrich Bros. took a photograph, so those of us who can't have diamonds can have pictures of them."

"The mills are at work and the number of men looking for jobs is decreased by a large majority.  There are no skilled mechanics or tradesmen now out of employment, though some day laborers complain of a scarcity of work."

"Notification was to-day received by the officials of the Michigan Central Railroad at East Saginaw that car freight including salt and lumber, could now be received for shipment to the Union Stock Yards near Chicago.  For some time past owing to the strikes, no freight except perishable goods and merchandise has been received by agents."

"The City Controller furnishes a statement to the effect that $6,000 of sewer bonds were ordered by the Council Monday evening, were sold within 48 hours at 2 per cent. premium.  The bonds are in the sum of $2,000 each, and run four, seven and ten years, bearing five per cent. interest.  Mr. Newton did not add what the public already knows, that the Controller's methods of conducting the city's business has had no little effect in bringing about this satisfactory state of affairs."

"A team drawing a load of slabs passed Feige's furniture ware rooms about 3 o'clock this afternoon, and a part of the load fell off, frightening Feige's team, which sprang away as if they had been shot. The street was full of teams, but policeman "Jimmy" Walsh was near at hand, and stopped the runaways before they had run a hundred feet.  It spoiled a first-class item, but it saved a good deal of damage.  As it was, some furniture which was on Feige's wagon got dumped unceremoniously out on to the pavement."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Justice For Amber

This young woman was a  mother, daughter, sister, aunt.  She was loved.  Her family is trying to raise money for her funeral.  Even the most simple funeral and burial are unbelievably expensive.

Here is the gofundme page started by her niece -

The investigation into her death is still ongoing. The most recent news stories are here -
from NBC 25

and from MLive -

Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Saginaw Mystery

Michigan has it's share of mysteries and folk lore.  I recently saw a video of a mystery right here in Saginaw and have been waiting for the news station to finish it's story.  Still waiting for the news station to finish...

The first video I saw on this mystery was posted on YouTube. It was filmed at a abandoned site where there are flowers and crosses with a man's name on it.  

The local news station WNEM did a story on it but never aired the second part of the story series. From their first segment:

"After combing the area for clues, we did our own digging starting with public records. It turns out William A. Miller sold the property to General Motors back in 1966.
According to records obtained by TV5, a few days later Miller was found shot dead on his property.
A news article written by the Saginaw News, dated March 26, 1966 states the Saginaw County prosecutor's office ordered an autopsy after learning Miller received a $30,000 check for the sale of his property."
Read more:

I have read that Mr. Millers death was ruled a suicide but I don't know if that was after or before the autopsy and any investigation.  Was there an investigation?  What happened to the $30.000?    Who is it that has left the memorial type items at the location?
I got hooked on this story when I first saw it last year and am still wondering what more is there to this story. I tried looking online to find a little more information on this man and his life.  I couldn't find any information about his death, just a little about his family history.

William A. Miller was born in Saginaw County on May 24th, 1910 to Louis and Frieda Miller.  His father Louis passed in 1912 and it appears the family may have stayed on their farm that was located in the area called Crow Island.  The 1920 and 1930 census records list their address as Crow Island Road.  In the 1940 census Williams address is listed as N. 23rd Street.  His mother Frieda passed in 1932 and her address is listed as N 23rd Street at the time of her death.  His parents are buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery.  His mother's cause of death was listed Brights Disease, nowadays it is known as a form of Kidney Disease.  His father Louis's cause of death is listed as Drowning/Suicide. 

William was the youngest of 12 children.  His last sibling passed in 1995.  In 1937 William married a woman named Bernice.  In the 1940 census William and Bernice had one son born in about 1938. They possibly had more children.  His wife passed in 1954 and is buried with her family at a cemetery in Hemlock, MI.  It appears that William was cremated.  I have not been able to find out if his ashes were buried or perhaps they were spread at the site where the memorials are, where William died and on what appears to be the old family farm.  I assume it is family members that have left the flowers at the site. I have great respect for cemeteries and I hope that anyone that may come across this site treat it with the proper reverence.  Hopefully WNEM will finish the story because I would love to know more about this man, his life, his death, and the memorials left behind.

If you are looking for more Saginaw mysteries there is always the Haunted Saginaw group.  They have a Facebook page -

If I come across any more strange tales or mysteries from Saginaw I will share them on this blog.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What is credit card fraud?

Credit card fraud is when you use the credit card of a deceased person to purchase a 43" television.
Credit card fraud is when you use the credit card of a deceased person to purchase various merchandise items at a local home repair store.
Credit card fraud is when you use the credit card of a deceased person to purchase items for your new home from another local home repair store.

Don't most stores nowadays use video camera surveillance?  It seems like they are always showing the photos on TV and online of people they are looking for in connection to credit card fraud and retail theft.  Are there actually any low life criminals left out there that don't know about the surveillance cameras?

Wikipedia offers a definition of credit card fraud: "Credit card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using or involving a payment card, such as a credit card or debit card, as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or to obtain unauthorized funds from an account. "

In Michigan you may be charged with a felony:  "In Michigan, credit or debit card fraud happens when an individual illegally uses another person's credit or debit card to pay for or purchase an item or service. Credit card fraud also includes opening a new account in another person's name, and using that card for purchases..........  In Michigan, credit cards and debit cards are referred to as Financial Transaction Devices (FTD). They can include gift cards or rebate cards. In Michigan, you can be charged with a felony for improperly using your own credit/debit card or if you possess/use the credit/debit card of another person without consent." 

My first bit of advice to avoid credit card faud would be very very careful of who you consider a friend and to never allow anyone to have access to your cards!

A few tips here in these links to help you avoid being the victim of credit card fraud.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Veteran Support Center In Michigan

I recently attended a "workshop" hosted by the Veteran Support Center and it left me feeling a little uneasy and with more questions than I had before I attended.

This workshop had two speakers, Joe Vitale and Carol Thomas.

It appears that Joe Vitale is a financial planner with American Retirement Solutions. Their website is
I am not quite clear on the connection but it appears that American Retirement Solutions is possibly connected with Veteran Support Center?  I found a listing online for this -
A R S Veteran Support Center
5189 Hampton Pl, Saginaw, MI 48604
(989) 792-0053
If I remember correctly, Joe Vitale said that he was located next door to Carol Thomas' office there on Hampton Place in Saginaw.

Carol Thomas is an attorney here in Saginaw.  Her site claims that she practises Elder Law and Estate Planning.  Here is her website

The website for the Veteran Support Center can be found here -
When I looked at the Veteran Support Center I couldn't determine how they are funded.  Are they a chairity?  Are they connected to any other veterans organizations?  Connected through the VA?
I tried to see who the founders were of this organization and all I could find was this address listed:
3546 S. LAPEER RD., STE. D
That address listed is the same address listed on the Better Business Bureau website for American Retirement Solutions and also on the American Retirement Solutions website.  The names listed on the BBB site for the business partners for American Retirement Solutions are:
Mr. Brian Roehrer, Vice President
Mr. Joe Vitale, President
Mr. Shirward Punches
When looking at the workshops held by the Veteran Support Center, I see that Brian Roehrer and Joe Vitale are two of the presenters listed for their workshops.
The phone numbers listed on the BBB site for American Retirement Solutions are the same ones that are listed on the Veteran Support Center website.
PHONE  810.667.9360
FAX  810.667.9361

I went to this workshop hoping to find more help available for a elderly family member that is currently in a nursing home facility.  I left there feeling like all I got was a deceptive sales pitch for the financial planning business and for the Carol Thomas law office.  I feel that it would be better to just advertise these workshops as being done by American Retirement Solutions and Carol Thomas's law office.  Then it would be very clear to others like myself exactly who they are dealing with.  I attended thinking this was some kind of veterans organization like the American Legion, Veterans Of Foreign Wars, probably funded by donations, organized by other veterans, tied in with other veterans groups but it doesn't appear to me to be what I thought it was.

My understanding of the presentation was that to be eligible to get the Aid & Attendance benefit offered by the Veterans Administration, you would need  to have a "Irrevocable Trust" drawn up by a attorney.  Conveniently the son of Carol Thomas does the irrevocable trust at her office for a cost of about $3,500.00 to $4,000.00.  The presentation claimed that a regular "Revocable" trust drawn up by an attorney would not qualify you for the VA benefits because you still own the assets and chances are you would not qualify for the help because they would count all of that. Basically you would have too much money and assets to qualify.   Here is a website that explains some of the differences between the two types of trusts -
So according to this information once you put your assets in the irrevocable trust you no longer have access to them, so they do not count when the VA is looking at your financial situation when determining if you would qualify. That seems to make sense.

During this workshop they discussed veterans that served during different time periods and different locations, and whom would be eligible for the Aid & Attendance benefits.  One of the stories Mr. Vitale shared was about a veteran that served in Korea.  I believe he said that the veteran did not serve in the actual Korean War but was still eligible for the benefits.  This veteran from Saginaw had Parkinson's and I believe he said he had just recently passed away.  Mr. Vitale said that they were able to get him the Aid & Attendance benefits including hospice care so he could stay at home when he passed.  I don't recall him mentioning if this Saginaw veteran with Parkinson's had done the revocable trust or irrevocable trust.

That story made me think of a Saginaw veteran that I knew that also had Parkinson's and also had just recently passed away.  This veteran I knew had served in Korea but not during the Korean War, it was during the Vietnam War period.  This veteran I knew had been getting help from the VA for years as far as I understand.  I know that he had been receiving in home health care assistance aides paid for by the VA for years, but I am not sure if this is exactly the same thing as the Aid & Attendance benefit they talked about.  These health care aides were coming for 4 hours per day for 5 or 6 days per week I believe.  I know that he got a lot of medical help over the years from the VA.
This veteran I knew also stayed at home with 24 hour hospice care till he passed but I am not sure if it was Medicare or the VA that payed for the hospice care.
I know that this veteran went to the office of Carol Thomas in 2014 and had a Revocable trust done, but it was after he was already getting the aid from the VA.  I don't believe that he had any kind of trust or will done at the time he started getting the in home health care paid for by the VA.  This veteran I knew owned a nice home, nice vehicle, and a decent IRA account, and none of it was in a Irrevocable trust.
This veteran I knew also had the exact same flyer that I posted above for one of the workshops hosted by the Veteran Support Center that was held in June 2015 in Saginaw.  One of his health care aides had written down the directions to the location on the flyer but I don't know if he did actually attend the workshop or not.  I don't know if they could have helped him get anymore help than he was already getting from the VA.

So I am wondering if it is really necessary to have the Irrevocable trust done to be eligible for the extra benefits offered by the VA?
Are there other veteran organizations that could help you get the Aide & Attendance benefits at no charge to the veteran, no strings attached?
Has anyone else had any experience dealing with the Veteran Support Center and what did you think of them?

Friday, March 25, 2016

Where is this Van?

UPDATE APRIL 5TH:  The van has been located but there are questions concerning the situation.  It may be a situation that needs to be looked at more closely by some kind of legal authority.

Has anyone seen this van?  It is a 1999 Ford Econoline E150 Van.  It is handicapped accessible, has a side door wheelchair lift.  It belonged to a person that passed away in 2015 and has been "unaccounted" for since December 2015.  The value is about $9,000.00 so the family of this person would like to know exactly what happened to it. It was last seen in Saginaw County, MI.  If you have seen it or know where it is you can use the contact form for this blog or send a email to:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

10 Most Expensive Homes Sold In Saginaw County in 2015

MLive did a feature on the 10 most expensive homes sold in Saginaw County in 2015.  There were some beautiful homes in this feature story.  You look at this and have to wonder why would they sell that home?  Children all married and moved away?  Upsizing, Downsizing?  Major financial troubles?  The top selling home in 2015 sold for $675,000 and for some reason it reminds me of the home from the TV show "The Beverly Hillbillies".

Read the MLive article here -
MLive - 10 most expensive homes sold in Saginaw County in 2015

See more photo's of the # 1 most expensive home sold
Zillow - 833 Circlewood Dr W, Saginaw, MI 48609

The Snake In The Shadows

The Snake In The Shadows

He slithers along his evil course
Driven by greed and lust
Showing no signs of remorse
To get what he wants he will do what he must

The snake venom coursing making her sway
As tears filled the water she desperately fought
What did the maiden think as she drifted away
As she took her last draught

The old man alone just wanted a friend
The snake saw easy prey and laid his plan
The old man’s mistaken trust brought about a sad end
The snake brought his clan and the pillage began

The leopard dances the macabre with the snake
Fools playing a dangerous game
When the dawn breaks will the leopard awake
Will it be karma or the snake that is to blame

He slithers along with his evil grin
Thinking he got away again
But the cloak is wearing thin
And soon all will see his chagrin

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thieves And Karma

“Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.” 
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bill Walters Track Coach

It seems some people are able to just keep slipping from place to place, always keeping in the shadows.
According to a news article from the Birch Run Herald weekly newspaper in June of 2015,  Track Coach Bill Walters was fired from the Bridgeport Spaulding school district in May of 2015 after the district received an "unspecified complaint that was not related to any of the student-athletes at Bridgeport".  The complaint was being investigated by the Bridgeport and Michigan State Police, but as of this date, there has not been any news released from this investigation.
This news article states that Bill Walters had been fired from the Mt. Morris school district in 2002 for numerous stalking incidents that involved female runners.  Two Mt. Morris females took out personal protection orders against Bill Walters.  Bill Walters showed up at a track meet in May of 2002 in disguise and was arrested for violating the PPO's.  In March of 2004, Bill Walters was sentenced to 93 days in the Genesee County Jail and two years of probation.  The judge also ordered him to "avoid contact with the victims or anyone under the age of 18, and prohibited him from coaching again".
Since that court order, he became the women's cross country coach at Mott Community College in the fall of 2004.  He then became the head coach of the Kettering University track club in the spring of 2005.  He then became the head coach of the Bridgeport boys track team in the spring of 2008.  He also runs a track club called the M.M. Track Club.  This club is based in the Flint, Michigan area.  

He has been seen at track meets at Saginaw Valley State University.  He is possibly running his track club out of their track facilities one day a week.  It is unclear if that court order that prohibited him from coaching again meant forever?  If it did then he is in violation of that court order.

Here is a screenshot of a court case record that appears to be from the incident written about in the news article.  To see more of the details, you would have to look at the actual case papers located in the Genesee County 67th District Court.  You can scroll through all 8 pages of this document on the 67th District Court website and read some of the details.  There are actually two separate court documents like this one.  The other is case # OME0300633 

click on the photo to enlarge it