Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bill Walters Track Coach

It seems some people are able to just keep slipping from place to place, always keeping in the shadows.
According to a news article from the Birch Run Herald weekly newspaper in June of 2015,  Track Coach Bill Walters was fired from the Bridgeport Spaulding school district in May of 2015 after the district received an "unspecified complaint that was not related to any of the student-athletes at Bridgeport".  The complaint was being investigated by the Bridgeport and Michigan State Police, but as of this date, there has not been any news released from this investigation.
This news article states that Bill Walters had been fired from the Mt. Morris school district in 2002 for numerous stalking incidents that involved female runners.  Two Mt. Morris females took out personal protection orders against Bill Walters.  Bill Walters showed up at a track meet in May of 2002 in disguise and was arrested for violating the PPO's.  In March of 2004, Bill Walters was sentenced to 93 days in the Genesee County Jail and two years of probation.  The judge also ordered him to "avoid contact with the victims or anyone under the age of 18, and prohibited him from coaching again".
Since that court order, he became the women's cross country coach at Mott Community College in the fall of 2004.  He then became the head coach of the Kettering University track club in the spring of 2005.  He then became the head coach of the Bridgeport boys track team in the spring of 2008.  He also runs a track club called the M.M. Track Club.  This club is based in the Flint, Michigan area.  

He has been seen at track meets at Saginaw Valley State University.  He is possibly running his track club out of their track facilities one day a week.  It is unclear if that court order that prohibited him from coaching again meant forever?  If it did then he is in violation of that court order.

Here is a screenshot of a court case record that appears to be from the incident written about in the news article.  To see more of the details, you would have to look at the actual case papers located in the Genesee County 67th District Court.  You can scroll through all 8 pages of this document on the 67th District Court website and read some of the details.  There are actually two separate court documents like this one.  The other is case # OME0300633 

click on the photo to enlarge it

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How Much Do You Really Know About Date Rape Drugs?

Most people have heard the term "date rape drug" but know very little about the actual drugs or their effects.  They first became known back in the 1990's and about the only thing you heard about them was in news stories that someone had been slipped a date rape drug in their drink and assaulted. Most of the stories about the drugs came from big cities like NYC, LA and Atlanta.  People living in rural areas of the midwest, small towns, they didn't worry about this new phenonium.   Over the years the use of these drugs has spread to all of America and more people are aware of the dangers now. These drugs are also used to help perpetrators commit other crimes.

The main drugs used are GHB, Rohypnol, and Ketamine.  They are usually odorless, tasteless and colorless.  Most people are aware of the symptoms of memory loss and loss of consciousness; but there are many more symptoms, deadly symptoms, such as low blood pressure, breathing problems so severe the victim ends up on a ventilator, kidney failure, coma and even death.  It is hard to prove that these drugs were used on a victim since they are usually flushed from the body's system in 12 hours. These facts seem to make these drugs the perfect tool for predators of all kinds.

Be informed, Be Safe

Web MD - Date Rape Drugs - Date Rape Drug Fact Sheet - Date Rape Drugs